On The Job Training
Boost your company goals with On-The-Job Training (OJT).
What is On-The-Job Training?
On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a program funded through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and delivered through WorkSource Snohomish County. OJT provides reimbursement to businesses to help compensate for the costs associated with training newly hired employees and upgrading the skills of current employees.
OJT programs can assist businesses who are looking to expand or who need additional staff trained with specialized skills. OJT programs also provide an excellent opportunity for individuals to build or update their skills and/or establish themselves in emerging high-demand fields, providing an incentive for businesses to hire individuals and invest in their skill development.

Frequently Asked Questions
What’s in it for my company?
- You get a pool of pre-screened applicants for your position—you decide who to hire.
- This is a great opportunity to bring on employees that are eager to learn new skills and up-skill your workforce.
- Your company will be reimbursed for the costs associated with training this new employee, which are usually calculated at up to half the pay rate for the agreed-upon training period.
- You will receive prompt payments with a minimum of paperwork.
- You will be assisted by OJT staff through all phases of the OJT.
Are there any restrictions?
Yes, there are. For example:
- You cannot use OJT funded participants to replace employees laid off within six months prior to the date of your application.
- You must agree to hire any OJT participants as regular, full-time employees.
- The rate of pay and benefits must be commensurate with what you pay others doing similar work.
The Business Engagement Specialist at WorkSource Snohomish County can assist you in determining your company’s eligibility.
Can companies rehire one of their previously released (laid off) employees?
Yes, a business can re-hire a previous employee but it must be for a different position for which they would need training and the candidate must meet the requirements.
Who selects the OJT participants?
As the OJT employer, your company will determine the selection criteria for OJT participants (e.g., “greater than 8th grade math ability,” “English-Spanish bilingual ability,” or any other applicable criteria). Then, WorkSource Snohomish County will identify those participants who meet the criteria and will refer them to your company. Your company will decide the final selection of OJT participants.
What if an employer has already selected a candidate for OJT training?
If an employer has already selected a candidate AND the candidate is approved by OJT staff as eligible, WorkSource Snohomish County can set up an OJT with the employer candidate.
How do we get the process started?
A standardized OJT contract will be completed with your company. That contract will contain all of the terms of the agreement for both WorkSource Snohomish County and your company. With this contract in place, we will start to identify and screen candidates for your company’s position(s).
How long will the process take to get the OJT approved?
This process will not take much longer than hiring a non-OJT employee. In order to ensure that your needs are met, the process of writing and negotiating the contract and establishing a training plan for the individual could take up to a few weeks. The individual can be hired effective the date of the award letter.
Additional Information
OJT funds provide reimbursements to businesses of up to 50% of the wage rate of OJT participants to help defray the personnel training costs of new employees. Reimbursements cannot be made for work performed outside the term of the contract or during periods of work stoppage (e.g., strikes, holidays, vacation, sick leave, weather, or other emergency-related closing), overtime, shift differential, premium pay and other non-regular wages. This does not preclude a participant from working such hours, only for reimbursing the business based on these activities.
Each month, the employer must submit a completed invoice to the Economic Security Department, which documents the hours worked by the Employee and the wages paid by the Business, and include a brief update on the Employee's progress and any difficulties that are affecting the training. The invoice will be signed by the Business and the OJT Employee. Upon verification of each invoice, the Business will receive a reimbursement of gross wages computed on the contracted hourly wage and reimbursement rates. Monthly monitoring of the training and invoicing for Business reimbursement continue until the end date of the contract or until the completing of the contracted hours of training.
Employers or Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors in the public, private non-profit, or private sectors providing an OJT contract receive reimbursement for the extraordinary costs of training. These costs include the provision of occupational training as well as supervision of a new employee. An agreement with the employer specifies the duration of training as well as the skills and competencies to be acquired by the participant. WIOA also allows both Individual Training Accounts (ITA) and OJT funds to be used when placing participants into a Registered Apprenticeship program or with a training provider.
A single contract may be used for several OJT trainees with a single business, provided the working conditions, job description, training plan, wage rates, and terms of the contract are the same for all participants covered by the contract.
General Terms & Conditions
The Business will keep records for the employee(s) including:
- Social Security number;
- Job description;
- Time and attendance records;
- Copies of all warning letters and other correspondence and/or letters relating to the Employee;
- Gross pay and fringe benefits for each pay period;
- Copy of OJT contract; and
- Canceled paychecks.
Note: All Employee records are subject to audit and must be retained for three (3) years after completion of contract and Employer must provide ESD access to these records if requested.
The Business shall provide employee with:
- State Accident Insurance or its equivalent;
- State Unemployment insurance;
- Other benefits required by law; and
- The Employee(s) will receive benefits (to the same level and extent) provided to other persons similarly employed by the Business.
No currently employed worker may be displaced by an OJT participant (including partial displacements such as a reduction in the hours of non¬-overtime work, wages or employment benefits.) No OJT employee shall be employed or job opening filled when any other individual is on layoff from the same or any substantially equivalent job or when the employer has terminated the employment of any regular employee or otherwise reduced its workforce. No training position can be created which infringes upon the promotional opportunities of current employees. The Business must intend to retain the employee upon satisfactory completion of training.
Employees shall not receive less than the Federal Minimum Wage as authorized by the Fair Labor Standards Act and its amendments. Employees shall be paid at the same rate as other persons similarly employed by the Business, including periodic raises. Employee wages must be paid by check. Cash or "in-¬kind" payments are not acceptable.
The Business agrees to comply with appropriate safety and health standards as defined in the Federal Occupational and Health Safety Act (Public Law 91¬596) and Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (RCW 49.17), and rules and regulations adopted under its authority.