Our goal is to help your business thrive!
Business Engagement, Helping Employers with ...
Reach qualified job seekers and top talent. Gain visibility for your company's hiring needs.
Connect to our team of local experts. Get customized solutions for your staffing needs.
Access affordable training programs. Tap into incentive programs and tax credits.
Prevent layoffs through assistance programs. Support workers with retraining and resources.
Ready to Serve
The Business Engagement Team is here to assist employers with strategies and resources that address their workforce needs. If you are a business or employer in need of the following services, or have general inquiries, contact us today!
Recruiting Assistance
We can connect active job seekers to your employment opportunities through our extensive network of regional partners that work directly with individuals looking to enter or advance in the workforce.
Hiring Events
Meet job seekers through virtual or in-person events hosted by WorkSource, Workforce Snohomish, or our educational, government and community-based partners. Find upcoming hiring events on WorkSourceWA.
Online Job Board: WorkSourceWA
Use WorkSourceWA to post unlimited jobs and search for candidates online at no cost. This allows you to reach a wider local and national audience, along with helping to meet any required labor compliance needs.
Book a Consultation!
We offer free consultations at your convenience.
Complete our Employer Inquiry form, and a Business Engagement staff member will contact you to schedule an appointment.
Labor Market Information
We provide access to industry and occupational data to help you understand labor trends so that you can identify demand, available workforce, and wage competitiveness in Snohomish County.
Paid Internships and New Hire Training Reimbursement
We have programs that offer fully paid internships and on-the-job training wage reimbursements to support the growth, development, and success of your company and employees.
Employee Retraining Grants
Our Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program provides funding for continuing education, training, and upskilling of incumbent, or existing employees.
Layoff Prevention & Assistance
We offer services to prevent and/or minimize the effects of layoffs. Programs like SharedWork help employers avoid layoffs by paying employees partial unemployment benefits when their work hours are reduced. Through Rapid Response, we coordinate resource sessions to assist your employees in navigating next steps if a layoff occurs.
We have industry expertise: The Business Engagement Team represents decades of experience in human resources and business development.
We know Snohomish County: Embedded in our community, we understand local workforce needs, challenges, and trends.
We are dedicated to serving you: Healthy businesses are critical to our regional economy and we are committed to your success.
We provide top notch customer service:
"On behalf of Comcast I want to extend my thanks to you and the Everett WorkSource team for the outstanding support and great venue supplied for our informational employment session… Everyone was friendly, professional, efficient and very helpful in making this a successful day!”
-B. Wolfe, Comcast Technical Operations and Customer Care

If you are a business or employer and are in need of services related to hiring, layoff assistance, SharedWork (or other supportive programs), Paid Family Medical Leave Act, or general inquiries, please contact our team at business.engagement@workforcesnohomish.org or phone us at 425-921-3426. Our team is standing by ready to serve you.